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Курс 2154E: Implementing and Administering Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Directory Services

Цена для физических лиц, р.: 4500
Цена для юридических лиц, р.: 4500

Продолжительность курса (дней): 20

Курс готовит к тестам: 70-217, 70-218


Необходимая подготовка: Course 2151"Microsoft Windows 2000 Network and Operating System Essentials", or equivalent skills and knowledge.
Course 2152 " Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Server", or equivalent knowledge and skills. These include:
Installing Windows 2000
Using administrative tools in Windows 2000
Configuring hard disks and partitions
Creating users
Creating and using security groups to manage access to resources
Creating and administering printers
Setting up and administering permissions for files and folders
Course 2153 "Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure", or equivalent knowledge and skills. This includes installing and configuring Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), DNS, and Certificate Services.
A thorough understanding of DNS, including hands-on experience configuring DNS, and setting up forward and reverse lookup zones.
Необходимо знание английского языка в пределах чтения компьютерно-ориентированного материала.

Результат обучения: Identify the concepts of the Active Directory directory service and its logical and physical structures.
Implement a Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure in preparation for installing Active Directory.
Install Active Directory on a computer running Windows 2000 Server, and perform post-installation tasks.
Set up and administer domain user accounts and groups.
Publish resources, including printers and shared folders, in Active Directory.
Delegate administrative control of Active Directory objects in Windows 2000.
Implement Group Policy.
Manage user environments by using Group Policy.
Use Group Policy to deploy software.
Create and manage trees and forests in a Windows 2000 network, and administer forest-wide resources.
Manage Active Directory replication within a site and between sites.
Manage operations masters.
Manage and restore the Active Directory database.
Implement an Active Directory infrastructure that is based on the business requirements of a fictitious organization.

Содержание курса:

Модуль 1. Introduction to Active Directory in Windows 2000

Introduction to
Active Directory
Active Directory Logical Structure Active Directory Physical Structure
Methods for Administering a Windows 2000 Network

Модуль 2. Implementing DNS to Support Active Directory

Introduction to the Role of DNS in Active Directory
DNS and Active Directory
DNS Name Resolution in
Active Directory Active Directory Integrated Zones
Installing and Configuring DNS to Support Active Directory

Модуль 3. Creating a Windows 2000 Domain

Introduction to Creating a Windows 2000 Domain
Installing Active Directory
The Active Directory Installation Process
Examining the Default Structure of Active Directory
Performing Post Active Directory Installation Tasks
Troubleshooting the Installation of Active Directory
Removing Active Directory

Модуль 4. Setting Up and Administering Users and Groups

Introduction to User Accounts and Groups
User Logon Names
Creating Multiple User Accounts
Administering User Accounts
Using Groups in Active Directory
Strategies for Using Groups in a Domain
Troubleshooting Domain User Accounts and Groups

Модуль 5. Publishing Resources in Active Directory

Introduction to Publishing Resources
Setting Up and Administering Published Printers
Implementing Printer Locations
Setting Up and Administering Published Shared Folders
Comparing Published Objects and Shared Resources
Troubleshooting Published Resources

Модуль 6. Delegating Administrative Control

Object Security in Active Directory Controlling Access to Active Directory Objects Delegating Administrative Control of Active Directory Objects Customizing MMC Consoles Setting Up Taskpads

Модуль 7. Implementing Group Policy

Introduction to Group Policy
Group Policy Structure
Working with Group Policy Objects
How Group Policy Settings Are Applied in Active Directory
Modifying Group Policy Inheritance
Delegating Administrative Control of Group Policy
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Group Policy

Модуль 8. Using Group Policy to Manage User Environments

Introduction to Managing User Environments
Introduction to Administrative Templates
Using Administrative Templates in Group Policy
Assigning Scripts in Group Policy
Using Group Policy to Redirect User Folders
Using Group Policy to Secure the User Environment
Troubleshooting User Environment Management

Модуль 9. Using Group Policy to Manage Software

Introduction to Managing Software Deployment
Windows Installer Technology
Deploying Software
Configuring Software Deployment
Maintaining Deployed Software
Removing Deployed Software
Troubleshooting Software Deployment

Модуль 10. Creating and Managing Trees and Forests

Introduction to Trees and Forests
Creating Trees and Forests
Trust Relationships in Trees and Forests
The Global Catalog
Strategies for Using Groups in Trees and Forests
Troubleshooting Creating and Managing Trees and Forests

Модуль 11. Managing Active Directory Replication

Introduction to Active Directory Replication
Replication Components and Processes
Replication Topology
Using Sites to Optimize Active Directory Replication
Implementing Sites to Manage Active Directory Replication
Monitoring Replication Traffic
Adjusting Replication
Troubleshooting Active Directory Replication

Модуль 12. Managing Operations Masters

Introduction to Operations Masters
Operations Master Roles
Managing Operations Master Roles
Managing Operations Master Failures

Модуль 13. Maintaining the Active Directory Database

Introduction to Maintaining the Active Directory Database
The Process of Modifying Data in Active Directory
The Garbage Collection Process
Backing Up Active Directory
Restoring Active Directory
Moving the Active Directory Database
Defragmenting the Active Directory Database

Модуль 14. Implementing an Active Directory Infrastructure

Business Scenario
Requirements for the Active Directory Infrastructure
Class Discussion: How to Implement the Active Directory Infrastructure


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